Cindy Margolis In The Flesh

Though she's held the dubious "Most Downloaded Woman" title for years, curvy "Price Is Right" model and swimsuit calendar legend Cindy Margolis has never actually opened up the doors to the pet store. The December Playboy changes all that -- and now you have the perfect chance to congratulate Cindy on her excellent decision-making.

This Thursday, forego your usual afternoon lunch break of practicing pick-up lines on your deli meat, and spend it with Cindy instead. For two glorious hours, Margolis will babe-up the Times Square Virgin Megastore at a meet-and-greet to sign copies of her historic pictorial. If you don't already have one/pages are already ruined, pick a copy up at the store. She's also agreed to pose for photos, and has graciously promised to ignore drooling, pant-bulging, stress-related flatulence, or any other uncontrollable reaction to her extreme comeliness.

Added bonus for Thrillist readers/Margolis stalkers: mention this e-mail at the signing and you could be randomly selected to receive a pair of tickets to a "Top Secret" Playboy Party that evening -- where you'll get the opportunity to hang out, drink, and make a moron of yourself with Cindy and other Playmates. So get your internet-pin-up-addicted-self down to Virgin Megastore and show Cindy your unflagging gratitude.