#SNOWANGELS: Salvation Army issues snow challenge

Katie Sullivan | @ByKatieSullivan
Children and adults sled down the hill at Cohen Elementary School in Elmira Heights March 15. Area schools cancelled classes for a second day Wednesday.

Here's a way to put those mountains of snow in your yard to use.

The Salvation Army has launched a snow angel challenge to raise money and awareness for the organization and those individuals and families struggling in our community.

To get involved, post a picture of your snow angel on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat with the hashtag #SnowAngelChallenge.

You can choose to donate online instead, at, or do both.

Either way, challenge your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors to do the same and spread the word.

The idea behind the challenge is to help "lift neighbors in need out of poverty," officials said, and avoid the "snowball effect" where problems pile on top of each other until they're out of control.

In Broome County, we have three local Salvation Army family stores, as well as a soup kitchen and center for worship and service.

Follow Katie Sullivan on Twitter @ByKatieSullivan.

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