Catasetum Pileatum v. imperale 'Pierre Couret' HCC x self


Catasetum Pileatum v. imperale 'Pierre Couret' HCC x self is a striking orchid hybrid known for its exquisite beauty and captivating presence. This particular hybrid combines the exceptional qualities of the Catasetum Pileatum v. imperale species with the desirable traits of the 'Pierre Couret' cultivar. The result is a unique orchid that showcases elegant cascades of blooms with vibrant colors and intricate patterns. Its distinctive features make it a popular choice among orchid enthusiasts and collectors alike. With proper care and attention to its specific requirements, the Catasetum Pileatum v. imperale 'Pierre Couret' HCC x self can thrive and flourish, rewarding its caretaker with stunning displays of floral artistry.This Catasetum is a new hybrid. One of only a few. The picture is of a Catasetum with an off white outer bloom. This new breed is of an all white outer bloom. This is in four inch pot, stands 14 inches root to tip. Remember these can lose leaves in their non-blooming period but these do bloom three to four times a year. These will go dormant during winter months and start to grow leaves in spring. Don’t water during the winter months but keep water under the plant, with rocks, not letting the roots touch the water. This brings moisture to the plant. Only water if the pseudobulb shrivels.

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Catasetum Pileatum v. imperale 'Pierre Couret' HCC x self is a unique and beautiful orchid variety that requires specific care to thrive. Here are some care tips for this particular orchid:

  • Light: Provide bright, indirect light for at least 6-8 hours a day. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.

  • Temperature: Keep the orchid in a warm environment with daytime temperatures around 70-85°F (21-29°C) and nighttime temperatures around 55-65°F (13-18°C).

  • Humidity: Catasetums prefer high humidity levels of around 50-70%. You can increase humidity by using a humidifier or placing the orchid on a humidity tray.

  • Watering: Water the orchid generously when the potting mix is almost dry. Allow excess water to drain out and never let the orchid sit in water to prevent root rot.

  • Fertilization: During the growing season, fertilize the orchid bi-weekly with a balanced orchid fertilizer at half the recommended strength.

  • Potting: Repot the orchid every 1-2 years using a well-draining orchid mix to prevent waterlogged roots.

  • Rest Period: Catasetums go through a rest period after blooming where they drop their leaves. During this time, reduce watering but do not let the pseudobulbs shrivel.

  • Flowering: Enjoy the striking blooms of the Catasetum Pileatum v. imperale 'Pierre Couret' HCC x self when it is in season. The flowers are short-lived but incredibly fragrant.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your Catasetum Pileatum v. imperale 'Pierre Couret' HCC x self orchid thrives and graces you with its unique beauty.

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