Baubo–The Musical

If you seek the goddess, take a peek

In ancient Greece, women sang obscene songs in tribute to Baubo. What songs in modern times may fit a musical? A song written from the female perspective seem most apt. Above is a Baubo figurine, and an illustration of what the figurine truly shows.

Cardi B sings “WAP.” a very dirty song sang by a female about the thing that Baubo represents. It’s an acronym for Wet ass pussy.

The song, Side to Side, by Ariana Grande and featuring American rapper Nicki Minaj is about riding so hard, a girl can’t walk straight the next day–wearing out Baubo’s sacred hole.

“My Neck, My Back (Lick It)” Khia, who wants something licked other than her neck and back.

“How Many Licks?,” Lil’ Kim, a rapper who raps a buttload about sex.

“Need a Little Sugar in My Bowl,” a1931 song by Bessie Smith uses the old hot dog euphemism.

“Flower,” by Liz Phair, if the flower isn’t pink–don’t lick it.

“Toyz,” Missy Elliott, probably not sung about in ancient Greece, but many grease them up these days.

“Sex With Me,” Rihanna, also sings about how her lady parts are as sweet as cake.