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Nongshim Gourmet Spicy Shin Instant Ramen Noodle, 20 Pack, Chunky Vegetables, Premium Microwaveable Ramen Soup Mix, Savory & Rich

Bán tại: Mỹ
Dự kiến giao hàng từ Mỹ về Việt Nam ngày 17-05-2024 - 23-05-2024
*Miễn phí Vận chuyển Siêu tốc cho Platinum và Super VIP. Nâng cấp ngay
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Bảo vệ quyền lợi Khách Hàng, hỗ trợ đổi trả nhanh chóng
Chất lượng đảm bảo, nguồn gốc rõ ràng, có đánh giá từ người mua và thẩm định độ uy tín người bán
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Theo dõi và cập nhật quá trình vận đơn thường xuyên
Miễn phí giao hàng trong nước, áp dụng cho đơn hàng từ 1,5 triệu
Thương hiệu NONGSHIM là cái tên nổi tiếng được rất nhiều khách hàng trên thế giới chọn lựa. Sản phẩm NONGSHIM GOURMET SPICY SHIN INSTANT RAMEN NOODLE, 20 PACK, CHUNKY VEGETABLES, PREMIUM MICROWAVEABLE RAMEN SOUP MIX, SAVORY & RICH là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo nếu bạn đang tìm mua một món cho riêng mình.

Thông tin chi tiết

Allergen Information Mushroom
Package Weight 2.83 Kilograms
Unit Count 84.0 Ounce
Tính năng sản phẩm
Sản phẩm Nongshim Gourmet Spicy Shin Instant Ramen Noodle, 20 Pack, Chunky Vegetables, Premium Microwaveable Ramen Soup Mix, Savory & Rich của thương hiệu Nongshim với nhiều tính năng nổi bậc, là một sản phẩm được nhiều khách hàng trên thế giới lựa chọn.


Product Description

Nongshim Shin Ramyun is the best selling classic, original ramyun that’s perfect for pretty much any time of day. The broth teems with warm and savory flavors, with rich spice throughout that satisfies from bite to bite. The additional toppings are thoughtfully chosen, with shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and scallions, adding welcome bits of texture through the meal. It’s a really convenient, deeply satisfying dish to have on the go. Bring your Spicy ramyun to the next level!

From the Manufacturer

Nongshim Shin Ramyun is the best selling classic, original ramyun that’s perfect for pretty much any time of day. The broth teems with warm and savory flavors, with rich spice throughout that satisfies from bite to bite. The additional toppings are thoughtfully chosen, with shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and scallions, adding welcome bits of texture through the meal. It’s a really convenient, deeply satisfying dish to have on the go. Bring your Spicy ramyun to the next level!

From the manufacturer

Shin Ramyun

A Global Brand

Since its creation in 1986, more than 22 billion bags of Shin Ramyun have been sold worldwide. If every bag of Shin Ramyun ever sold was placed end to end, it would be more than 100 times the distance of the Earth to the moon. With distribution all around the world, Shin Ramyun is truly the global leader of all instant noodles combined.

shin ramyun, shin ramen

Set Your Taste Buds Tingling

At the first taste of Shin Ramyun's signature broth, there is no question how Shin Ramyun has become the most recognized ramyun in the world. With Shin Ramyun, you will enjoy a piping hot meal of aromatic spices, fresh vegetables, and wonderfully chewy noodles in the convenience of 4 minutes.

  • Spicier than your average instant noodles!
  • 0 grams trans fat
  • 0 trans fats

Enjoy Nongshim Shin Ramyun

Make it Your Own!

Drop in an egg, chop up some vegetables, or throw in some sliced meat. There really is no limit how you can make Shin Ramyun into your favorite home cooked meal. We already made it great, be creative and try to make it even better!

Want Something a Little Different?

Don't feel like soup tonight? Enjoy the unique Shin ramyun flavor in your favorite dishes. Ramyun stir fry? Ramyun pasta? Ramyun burger? The only limit is your imagination.

shin ramyun

Try the Entire Shin Family

Don't stop at just the Shin Ramyun bag, try the entire line of Nongshim Shin products. Enjoy the same quality of our exceptional noodle soup on-the-go with our Shin Cup or Shin Bowl. Feel extra hungry? Shin Big Bowl is for you. For those who feel like a little extra indulgence, our premium Shin Black Ramyun or Shin Black Cup will be sure to satisfy your craving.


Mô tả
Thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm:
  • Nongshim Shin Ramyun is a classic, customizable ramyun to your preference by adding ingredients you think are the best fit for you. This is a dish that’s there for you any time of day or night.
  • There’s a warm, savory, rich spice throughout the broth that satisfies from bite to bite.
  • The additional toppings of shiitake mushroom slices, carrots, and scallions add some welcome bits of texture as you eat. The shiitake mushrooms in particular give nice meat-like textures.
  • The broth shares the stage with the noodles a little more, which is great because the noodles have a great consistency and springiness from start to finish.
  • WARNING: Spicier than your average instant noodles. Enjoy!
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Người bán: Miczone LLC
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Miễn phí giao hàng trong nước, áp dụng cho đơn hàng từ 1,5 triệu
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