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Nissin Top Ramen Noodle Soup, Chicken, 3 Ounce (Pack of 24)

Bán tại: Mỹ
Dự kiến giao hàng từ Mỹ về Việt Nam ngày 17-05-2024 - 23-05-2024
*Miễn phí Vận chuyển Siêu tốc cho Platinum và Super VIP. Nâng cấp ngay
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Thương hiệu NISSIN là cái tên nổi tiếng được rất nhiều khách hàng trên thế giới chọn lựa. Sản phẩm NISSIN TOP RAMEN NOODLE SOUP, CHICKEN, 3 OUNCE (PACK OF 24) là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo nếu bạn đang tìm mua một món cho riêng mình.

Thông tin chi tiết

Specialty Vegetarian
Allergen Information Gluten
Package Weight 2.18 Kilograms
Unit Count 72.0 Ounce
Tính năng sản phẩm
Sản phẩm Nissin Top Ramen Noodle Soup, Chicken, 3 Ounce (Pack of 24) của thương hiệu NISSIN với nhiều tính năng nổi bậc, là một sản phẩm được nhiều khách hàng trên thế giới lựa chọn.


THE ORIGINAL INSTANT RAMEN NOODLE SINCE 1970. Delicious as is or tossed with your favorite ingredients, Top Ramen is always a simple pleasure. With no added MSG, the great taste you love has been stripped down to its essential noodle goodness. Even vegetarians can enjoy our Soy Sauce and Chili flavors with their favorite toppings

From the manufacturer

Cup Noodles Beef Instant Lunch Ramen Easy Fast Portable Flavor Nissin Japanese
Cup Noodles Beef Instant Lunch Ramen Easy Fast Portable Flavor Nissin Japanese

Noodles for everyone!

Our original classics, Cup Noodles and Top Ramen. Recent innovations like Cup Noodles Stir Fry and Top Ramen Bowls. Adventurous favorites including Hot & Spicy Bowls and Chow Mein. Japanese sensations like Cup Noodle Seafood and Curry flavors. Even our exquisite premium ramen, Nissin RAOH. Nissin makes noodles, flavors and fun for everyone.

Cup Noodles Beef Instant Lunch Ramen Easy Fast Portable Flavor Nissin Japanese

No Added MSG and Vegetarian options!

In response to our fans’ evolving diets, we’ve made some changes as well. We developed a recipe with no added MSG for many of our products—and noodle lovers enjoyed them as much as the original! In addition, you can find vegetarian options in most of our lines. Just look for the green “VEGETARIAN” leaf!

Cup Noodles Beef Instant Lunch Ramen Easy Fast Portable Flavor Nissin Japanese

Nissin, the Original Instant Ramen

Witnessing a dire food shortage in Japan after WWII, an industrious businessman set out to produce a simple and affordable solution to feed the masses. Our founder, Momofuku Ando, was convinced that "Peace will come to the world when the people have enough to eat." After years of experimentation, in 1958, “Chikin Ramen” was officially released and sparked a 3-minute global revolution. For more than 60 years, Mr. Ando’s spirit of innovation continues to provide simple, nourishing delight to billions of people around the world.

Cup Noodles Beef Instant Lunch Ramen Easy Fast Portable Flavor Nissin Japanese

Nissin in the US

On a trip to the U.S. in 1966, Momofuku Ando noticed Americans curiously eating forkfuls of noodles out of cups, instead of using bowls and chopsticks. With that simple observation, the worldwide Cup Noodles phenomenon was born. Shortly after, Nissin officially put down its roots in the U.S. In 1972, our Gardena, CA, plant started production of Top Ramen—the first instant ramen manufactured and sold in the U.S. And ever since, Nissin Foods USA has launched a continuous stream of new and innovative products for hungry, noodle-loving Americans.


Mô tả
Thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm:
  • TOP RAMEN IS ALWAYS A SIMPLE, DELICIOUS PLEASURE, as is or tossed with your favorite ingredients
  • QUICK AND EASY TO MAKE! Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan. Add noodles, breaking up if desired. Cook for 3 minutes or until noodles are tender, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Stir in seasonings from flavor packet and eat. (To lower sodium, use less seasoning)
  • VEGETARIAN OPTION AVAILABLE: Try Top Ramen Soy Sauce flavor
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Người bán: Miczone LLC
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Miễn phí giao hàng trong nước, áp dụng cho đơn hàng từ 1,5 triệu
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1900 545 403